Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Let's Start up a Rebellion!

I'll admit it - I can be something of a rebel sometimes. For instance, my socks never match and I am all for pirates (none of this 'ninja's are better' nonsense). Rebellion seems to be a common thing these days but I find it rather funny that many of those who claim to be rebelling against the world are, in fact, accidentally conforming to it instead!

Anyway, here's a rebellious little poem about rebelling against the world.
Enjoy :)

Be a Rebel
(By KR Ludlow)

All those worldly values
Instilled in us since birth,
All those worldly teachings
Spread right across the earth.

The world tells us to conform,
It tells us what to wear,
It tells us how to act and think...
Go on, be a rebel.

The world tells us to give up hope,
To give up faith and love,
To blindly follow evolution...
Go on, be a rebel.

We're taught lessons of disrespect,
We're taught to disobey,
To think only of one self...
Go on, be a rebel.

We're told and told 'there is no God'
And told to believe it's true,
Discouraged to seek truth for ourselves...
Go on, be a rebel.

We're persuaded into apathy,
Encouraged in self idolatry,
Convinced there's nothing more to life...
Go on, be rebel.

We're taught to buy, to steal, to hoard, 
We're taught to lie and hate,
We're taught to lust instead of love...
Go on, be a rebel.

All these worldly values
Instilled in us since birth,
All these worldly teachings...
Seriously, who wants to be conformed? 

So go ahead, be different,
Go against the flow,
Make a stand; think for yourself...
Go on, be a rebel!

God bless
~KR Ludlow~

"Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will."
Romans 12:2