Monday, October 31, 2011

New Religion

Just a short stroy I wrote, designed to make people think.
Enjoy :)

God bless,
~KR Ludlow~

New Religion

Rosie stepped off the bus, clutching her book to her chest as she began walking home. As she walked, she contemplated the ‘new’ religion many of her friends now followed. Well, it wasn’t ‘new’ exactly – it had been around for a while. But compared to other religions, it was fairly recent.

Many of her friends had tried to make her convert – had tried to force their beliefs on her. The girl hugged her book even tighter as she walked – she already knew the truth. She would not convert.

This particular religion had some very unusual ideas indeed, about God; about the origins of the universe; about life in general; and about what happens after death. Rosie felt rather sad about the whole thing, but people will believe what they want to believe. This religion had many leaders, speakers and preachers who told their followers what to believe. They worshipped many different idols. They persuaded others that their beliefs were ‘fact’ and the ‘truth’ and that anyone who didn’t believe were simply ‘stupid’ or perhaps had been ‘mislead.’ They spoke of freedom, of happiness, of living life to the fullest. But in Rosie’s opinion, their beliefs spoke quite the opposite. The followers hung off every word and believed them to be fact yet only few actually lived as though it were true.

This system of belief had also infiltrated schools. Children were being taught these beliefs as though they were fact. They were being forced to learn about them, complete assignments on them and write about them to pass their exams. No wonder so many of her friends now believed it to be true; as true as the law of gravity. Rosie sighed as she stepped over a puddle. Many followers of this religion had closed their eyes and minds off to anything other than what their ’religious leaders’ told them.

“Oy Rosie!”
She stopped. It was Garry. Garry had always been somewhat of a bully, even in primary school.
“Oy Rosie, what ya got there,” he sneered. “Is that a bible.”
“Why, yes it is,” Rosie said pleasantly, knowing what Garry was about to say next.
“Why you got a Bible, Rosie? Don’t ya know? There is no God! Only stupid people believe there’s a God. Why don’t you start thinking for yourself, Rosie? Why don't ya do your research on evolution. There is no God.”
“If that’s what you want to believe, that’s your choice, Garry,” Rosie said as she walked away.

Yes, many of her friends had decided to follow this religion, atheism - Garry included. But Rosie already knew the truth. She would not convert.