Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Death is Like a Wedding... Wow, That Sounds Kinda Creepy When Taken Out of Context...

Today, I found myself walking through a cemetery for the second time this week. No, don’t worry, I’m not turning Goth or anything. The first time was for an ANZAC Memorial Service, the second time was... cos it was there and... well, I had a camera with me... I swear I’m not turning Goth!!!

Anyway, I got to thinking about life (as one does when walking through a cemetery) and how grateful I am that God has prepared a place for me in Heaven. I am so glad that the grave is not our where our journey ends. If it was, I would feel so ripped off! I mean, just imagine getting through life only to end up a forgotten name on some crumbling stone in an overcrowded cemetery. It would be like making it all the way through a long and challenging video game, only to get a simple 'Game Over' screen for your troubles!

Christ offers us eternal life in Him and invites us to spend eternity with Him. He won’t force us, however – He gives us the freedom to either accept or reject Him.

Here’s a beautiful little analogy I heard the other day:
“In a sense, salvation is like the engagement of a couple. The male kneels and asks the female to marry him, but the female still has the choice to say no. If she says yes, she begins preparing for her wedding. God kneels to us and invites us into a relationship with Him, we have the freedom to say no, but should we say yes, we will then be preparing for the ‘wedding’ until the day we die. Our death is like walking down the aisle, once we’ve died we meet God at the alter to say “I do” and spend eternity with Him."

God bless,
KR Ludlow