Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Anyone who knows me – or has read some of my earlier posts – might have realised that I have a thing for swords and medieval style battles. I just love that Lord-of-the-Rings style image of an army following their captain into battle with their swords drawn. Warriors charging across the battlefield, ready to fight for what matters most.

This sort of stylised battle may only be seen in the movies these days, but believe it or not we are at war ourselves. The battlefield is all around us; in our homes, our workplaces, our schools. No matter where we go, there is a battle raging -a spiritual battle. OK, so you may not see a businesswoman hurrying to work with a shield strapped to her back. You may never see a teacher walking into school with a double-edged sword. You may never see a check out chick in full body armour. You may not see a business man rush into his office with a loud war cry. But warriors can be found all across the Earth– you yourself might even be one!

The warriors I'm talking about are the warriors of God. Warriors sharing the good news with those who need it. Warriors fighting for the truth. Warriors fighting against sin. Warriors building people up. Warriors encouraging others. Warriors reflecting God’s love and light. Warrior’s giving to those who have little. Warrior’s comforting those who are mourning. Warrior’s clad in the full armour of God, taking up the sword of the Spirit – the Word of God.

Yes, we are at spiritual war – but the battle belongs to the Lord!

God bless,
~KR Ludlow~

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