Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bubbles the Frumpy, Grumpy Guinea Pig

Meet Bubbles – the sweet little guinea pig. The most sweetest and charming little piggy you could ever hope to meet. Well... usually. When he’s not chucking a major temper tantrum, at least. He always loves a good cuddle... unless he’s sulking like a little kid who can’t get his own way. Usually, he’s very sweet, but lately, he’s been a bit of a grump. A big grump...

Ok, this story isn’t working out very well. Let’s try this again:

Meet Bubbles – the grumpy little guinea pig. The frumpiest, grumpiest little pig you could ever have the misfortune to meet. And why is he so grumpy? Bubbles is a grumpy little pig, because he had to go to the vet. Yes, our darling little frump got some scratches on his back so the vet gave us some special cream to put on it. And to cut a long story short, Bubbles does not like the cream. Not one little bit. He squeaks and squeals and protests and whimpers and glares at you as if to say, “Silly human, why are you putting this stuff on me? It hurts. I don’t like it. I don’t need it. Why are you doing this to me? If you really cared about me, you’d take this horrible stuff away. I just don’t understand!”

“Why, my dear little Bubbles,” says I, “This is a special steroid based, antibiotic cream recommended by most professionals for various skin conditions in cats, dogs and even guinea pigs like yourself! Its special formula works as an antibacterial, as well as an anti-inflammatory. It even has a slight anaesthetic effect, numbing the area and promoting healing. Isn’t that just so cool?”

Bubbles, being a guinea pig, does not understand a word of this. He cannot appreciate the benefits of the cream. All he knows is that this stuff hurts!

Sometimes, we can be like Bubbles. Something bad might happen – something we cannot understand – and so we turn to God saying, ‘Hey! This hurts! I don’t like it. I don’t need it. Why are you allowing me to go through this? If you really cared about me, you’d take this horrible stuff away. I just don’t understand!”

We may not understand why God allows things that we may not particularly like. We may not be able to see any reason for it – at least from our point of view. But we can trust God. He will not abandon us. We may not always understand what we are going through – but He does. He understands and He cares. Will you trust Him?

God bless,
~KR Ludlow~

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

1 comment:

  1. cool story! Good to see that even a little guinea pig can teach us some vital lessons :)
