Saturday, July 16, 2011

Armour and Helmets and Swords, Oh My!

Believe it or not, we are at war. Not a physical war, but rather one of a spiritual nature. A furious battle that constantly rages on whether we're aware of it or not. On one end of the battlefield a formidable army charges; wielding black swords of deception, hurling fiery darts of sin and firing catapults of guilt. Their arrows are dipped in poisonous lies and their shiny armoured exteriors hide the decay of death inside. This is the army of worldly values; of the devil and of our own sinful nature. They care nothing for the poor souls they fool into serving them; their deceptive whispers of freedom as empty as their false promises of power. This army has already been defeated and will one day be wiped out completely.

On the other end of the battlefield is another army, led by a captain riding a white horse. This army is clothed in body armour of righteousness with belts of truth. Their feet are firmly encased in shoes of the peace that comes from the gospel and their heads are covered with helmets of salvation. In one hand, each warrior grips a shield of faith to protect them from Satan's relentless attacks. In the other hand each wields a double edged sword of the spirit. This army is a joyful army for their captain, Jesus, has already won the war.

There is, however, another group of people on the battlefield. This group sit, completely unprotected, in the middle of the all the fighting. Some are content to sit back watch the battle around, them but do not wish to join. Some have their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears, trying to ignore the whole thing. Some have given up the fight. Some are confused and do not know what side to join. Others want to join the army led by Jesus, but do not know how to. Whilst some of this group are trampled to death by their own sinful nature, others stand and approach Jesus, who has been calling for them the whole time. Each of these people are lovingly welcomed, enlisted and equipped for battle.

This is a battle that rages everyday. Though we may not physically be attacked with weapons, we are constantly bombarded with the lies of Satan; through the TV, the Internet, those glossy magazines, advertisements, our own sinful desires...
Although we may not physically be running around with swords,we have the full armour of God (although it will not do much if we simply leave it on the shelf to collect dust).
Although we may not be standing on a physical battlefield, we are on the spiritual battlefield each and everyday.

Are you prepared for battle?

God bless,
KR Ludlow

"Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."
Ephesians 6:11

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