Monday, July 4, 2011

Spiritual Donuts

As my family and many of my friends well know, I cannot drive. At all. I do not have a license nor do I own a car (which, considering my driving skills in video games, is probably a very good thing). I know I should probably start learning soon, but the fact remains if I were to get behind the wheel I would probably end up driving around in circles.

While I have never actually attempted to drive a car before, I often find myself behind the wheel of my life. Sometimes it feels pretty cool being in the driver’s seat. Turning up the music and making loud 'vroom vroom' noises with my mouth, I feel so grown up with the freedom of being able to drive wherever I want. After a while, though, I begin to notice the ring of tire tracks and the smell of burning rubber; not to mention the long line of traffic behind me. Once again I have been driving around in circles; wasting both time and petrol. And as fun as donuts may be, they never seem to get me very far. It’s at these times I realise I need to relinquish the control of my life to someone who can drive. Once again I give the wheel to Christ and resume my position in the passenger seat. Sure, I may not always know where He is driving me, but I know I can trust Him. And He’s a much better driver than I am.

God bless,
~KR Ludlow~

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
Colossians 3:15

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