Thursday, July 7, 2011

Captain Planet, He's a Hero...

.. gonna take pollution down to zero.

Okay, put up your hand if you ever watched Captain Planet? I know I certainly did! Watching the planeteers combating pollution with the help of their blue skinned leader, Captain Planet... ah, those were the days. Days when, in my opinion, TV was good. Sitting down in front of the TV was like stepping through a portal into a new world. A world where toys came to life when we weren’t looking; a world where friendly monsters lived under our beds; a world where teddy bears and even earthworms could be superheros; where bananas and spinach had amazing transformation properties...

Nowadays, though, TV seems to have become nothing more than mesmerising and mind-numbing images being fed through our eyes and straight into our brains. Sure, there are a few gems that can be found in those fancy flat screened boxes; but there are also an awful lot of worthless rocks to sift through.

Where TV once was a brief escape to another world filled with imagination and wonder, it now seems to simply be a means of filling our minds with worldly views and values. Advertisements scream at us to buy, buy, buy – that somehow we will not be happy, popular, beautiful, successful, complete or valued unless we buy their product. There are shows that feature people tearing each other down just to get those coveted, all important ‘votes.’ Shows where people are encouraged to engage in sinful behaviour for the sake of entertainment. Shows filled to the brim with possessive and lustful relationships. Shows that turn serial killers, vampires, werewolves and demons into heroes. Shows that expect us to laugh and make fun of other people’s failures. Shows that wrap all that is crude, rude and downright sinful in an animated shell and label it ‘comedy.’

Not all shows are bad though (I have a few favourites myself!), and we can filter out some of the garbage by identifying and rejecting values we do not agree with. But if we’re not careful, renegade values can easily creep through the cracks; infiltrating our minds and opening doors to let their friends inside. The truth is, whatever we fill our minds with will sooner or later transform our values, change the way we view the world, and eventually affect our choices.

What are you filling your mind with?

God bless,
~KR Ludlow~

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Romans 12:2

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