Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Avocados of Awesomesauceness

If I was a fruit tree, I have to say I would be an avocado tree. There's nothing quite like sitting down to a nice plate of avocado on toast. Or avocado on crumpets. Or avocado in sushi. Or just avocado by itself!
There is always that excited thrill that comes from slicing a knife through the crispy outer shell; the anticipation of savouring the fresh green goodness hidden within. But sometimes the fruit does not hold up to the expectations. Instead of vibrant green, the inside is sometimes plagued with brown spots that must be cut away. Sometimes the fruit is rotten and bruised and is only fit for the bin. Other times it is hard and dry; the result of unreleased potential (i.e unripe) 

Yes, if I were a fruit tree, I would definitely be an avocado tree. While you may never see avocados sprouting from my ears, God has called me to produce fruit (and He has called you to as well). And trust me, this fruit is much better than avocados!

The fruit I am talking about is the fruit of the spirit - love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  A branch that is connected to a good fruit tree will produce good fruit. It does not need to push or strain - the fruit will come naturally as it is connected to the rest of the tree.
If we live in Christ, and grow in Him, we will produce good fruit (whether we are aware of it or not). A branch that has been cut off, however, will not produce fruit as it is not connected to the tree. Instead, it withers and dies on the ground at the base of the trunk and is only useful as firewood. Likewise, if we are not living in Christ - if we do not have that connection with Him - we cannot produce good fruit. 

Like those avocados I mentioned earlier, some fruit we produce may not be good. Some might be rotten and sinful inside and out and must be cut off and thrown away so better fruit might be grown in it's place. Some fruit may bear the bad marks of sin - marks that God can cut away, leaving only the good bits. Some fruit may be hard and bitter and require the help of the Holy Spirit to ripen it up so it becomes juicy and sweet.

God can truly produce some great fruit through us as long as we remain in Him.

What sort of fruit tree are you?

God bless.
KR Ludlow

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Galatians 5:22-23

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